Federico Pietrella: Two Things

Federico Pietrella (*1973) is an Italian artist, who works and lives in Berlin. His technique is specific in its detailed application of timestamps, which create intricate images of reality. The date on the stamp always corresponds with the actual date, in which the artwork is produced, cementing the visual into a concrete point in time. In Two Works Pietrella creates a monument to the inescapable flow of time, wherein he juxtaposes that which is alive and real, with that, which is frozen in time. The two artworks – a portrait and a still life, confront their real counterparts with the passage of time not only via visual comparison, however miniscule the change might be, but also via the timestamps, which make sense of time passing in a more conventionally comprehended, bureaucratic manner. Pietrella ties the show together with a simple bouquet of live flowers, which die and rot as the exhibition progresses, leaving behind a tangible, yet ephemeral proof of time and beauty passing and changing.

This project is supported by the Slovak Arts Council.


Federico Pietrella (*1973) je taliansky umelec pôsobiaci v Berlíne. Špecifickosť techniky, ktorou vytvára svoje obrazy spočíva v detailnej aplikácii pečiatok s dátumom, v ktorom je dielo vytvorené. Týmto spôsobom Pietrella vytvára a vizualizuje prepojenie s konkrétnym časovým úsekom, podľa ktorého je následne dielo aj pomenované. Vo výstave Two Works sa Pietrella snaží podobne reflektovať plynutie času – živé a reálne sa nachádza v juxtapozícii s tým, čo zastalo v čase. Výstava pozostáva z dvoch diel reflektujúcich realitu – portrét aj obraz plátna konfrontujú svoje predlohy v reálnom čase. Polemiku o plynutí času a kráse uzatvárajú kvety, ktoré počas výstavy podliehajú rozkladu.

Projekt bol podporený z Fondu na podporu umenia.

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev

Federico Pietrella: Two Things, installation view, Photo: Ivan Kalev